In case anything happens or if you want to change it back into Japanese, just rename the “VOCALOID2_Japanese.bak” file into “VOCALOID_Japanese.You could also delete it if you want, but we’ll just rename it so if anything bad happens we could change it back into “VOCALOID2_Japanese.dll”.Rename it into “VOCALOID2_Japanese.bak”.And then, find the file “VOCALOID2_Japanese.dll”.Firstly, go to your VOCALOID installation folder (For example, the most common ones are C:\Program Files\VOCALOID2\) of the list of all of the downloadable products that you can purchase from the VOCALOID SHOP and use immediately, including singing synthesizer softwares such as the VOCALOID Editor and Voice Banks.The solution? Simple, just get rid of the Japanese User Interfaces and you’ll get an English User Interface.

Crypton is just a company who made the Voice Libraries (Hatsune Miku and the others) and they made a Japanese User Interface ON TOP of the English ones. 22 Next Filters Sticky threads Vocaloid trials direct list MillyAqualine 2 3 Replies 40 Views 21K SuperStarXD Normal threads Cover TRUESincerelyVOCALOID (short ver) IO+ Sunday at 7:34 AM Replies 0 Views 33 Sunday at 7:34 AM IO+ Cover VOCALOID (Refine Ver. The VOCALOID editor software was originally made by Yamaha, and therefore, it’s in english. Fortunately, there’s an easier and better way of doing it. You’d probably already read about the “english patch/hack” on the internet for the VOCALOID editor, but the problem is, that it haven’t completely translated the whole thing just yet. Well, some of you who are reading my blog are probably more fluent in english, and so, it’ll be better to use the VOCALOID editor software in english.