How to Download and Install Tekken: Tag Tournament 2 If time runs out, the player who has the most cumulative life remaining amongst their fighters wins the round. If the life bar of either of a player’s fighters runs out, that player loses the round. At certain points, an inactive character’s life bar may flash, giving them a temporary boost in strength if they are tagged in. Players are able to switch their fighters out at any time, allowing the inactivating character to gradually recover some life they might have lost.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (鉄拳タッグトーナメント2 Tekken Taggu Tōnamento 2) is the eighth main installment in the Tekken fighting game series, released in Japanese arcades on September 14, 2011.As in the original Tekken Tag Tournament, matches involve each player selecting two fighters to fight with. Download Tekken: Tag Tournament 2 for free on PC – this page will show you how to download and install the full version of Tekken: Tag Tournament 2 on PC.